
Filming the Music Video

Before starting the shoot, we did our actor, Tanu’s, makeup, hair and finalized her outfit. For her makeup, we decided to do a heavy eyeshadow look with a red lipstick, this was look was inspired by RAYE’s look in her music video, Escapism. The heavy eyeshadow connotes the emotional turmoil that she is going through. We specifically chose red lipstick because it connotes self confidence and we wanted to show the audience that despite her going through a rough time she is still confident. As for her hair, we decided to keep her natural frizzy and wavy hair. This is because, it would give the video a sense of realism/verisimilitude. The outfit that we finalized was a black dress with black shoes. This simple outfit balance out the heavy makeup look.

After doing Tanu’s makeup, we started with a photoshoot with the extra character for our digipak. We shot using our Canon camera for high quality images and tried different angles so that we would have multiple images for both our digipak and our social media page. We chose to shoot in front of a dark green background because it provides a strong contrast between the individuals and the background, which helps to make our actors stand out and grab the audience’s attention. The contrast can also helps enhance the actors facial expressions. 

After the photoshoot we decided to start shooting our first scene where the camera was on the tripod and the character was positioned in the center of the frame which helps to grab the audience’s attention directly on the actor, eliminating any other distractions. This shot however, has not been used in the final product because it does not match the police lineup photography background. The background we used was not white and the lines weren’t black which made it less realistic, hence, we decided to reshoot using a white background with black lines. 

In this scene, I used top angle to create a dramatic and intense visual effect. I chose to use top angle because it helps to emphasise isolation that the character is feeling and this is exactly what we wanted because in this scene the character is speaking to herself about certain decisions that she could make and the potential action after that. 

For this scene we shot outside using natural lighting. I chose not to use any extra lighting because it introduces dynamic lighting condition which creates interesting shadows and highlights that add depth to the scene. The outdoor location can also connote liberation. The open and unrestricted outdoor location can signify personal growth and discovery which aligns what our actor is going through in this specific scene 


For this scene, I had to figure out how to show the TV being smashed without putting myself or the actor in danger. I used different angles and movements to make it look like the actor was right there while keeping them at a safe distance. In order to do so, I used low angle shot, profile shot and restricted pan movements. 

Digipak Editing

After completing the filming process and the photoshoots, I started to draft the digipak. 

This was my first attempt at creating the front side of our digipak. I tried to add a vignette to the image. Adding vignette would naturally draw the audience’s eyes directly to our actor, it also helps in deducting any distractions that was present in the image.   

Something that I wanted to try was a plastic effect because, it adds texture and depth to a simple image which helps to make it striking. A plastic effect can also connote identity crisis which aligns with the underlying  theme of my music video, plastic wrap can represent the suffocating pressure of following traditional norms of women set by the society. It creates a visual metaphor for the struggle of being trapped in a constructed identity, where ones true self is hidden beneath layers of societal expectations.  

This was my first attempt at making the tracklist side of the digipak. I decided to use a cut out of our actors as it helps to add depth and makes it visually interesting. I made this image larger than the text in order to make it the focal point which helps to direct the audience’s attention tracklist. Furthermore, I used a striking pink color which contrasts with not only the background but also the content to create a strong visual impact. However, this draft looked a little basic and lacked visual depth, so I decided to change it. 

This was my second attempt at making the track list side of the digipak. I really liked this image as it is very visually striking and stands our as something that is very unique. I tried create a smooth flow between this side and the other sides by using the same color that ties everything together. For example, the track list color has been derived from the color of our actors lips from the front side of the digipak, while the background color, dark emerald green, was taken out of the the background of the same side.  However, I found it to look very dark hence, I decided to change it to improve the balance and enhance its visual appeal. 

This was the first draft of the CD side of the digipak. I visualised this idea as the different phases that our character goes through in the whole music video. I thought the circular shape would also connote the cyclical nature of her life, reflecting the recurring patterns and emotional loops that she foes through in the narrative. The problem with this draft was that the design felt a little too simplistic to show the emotional depth and complex which we are trying to represent in our music video. 

My initial idea for the fourth side of our digipak was to have a repeated pattern of our actors lips in the color red. I specifically thought of the color red because it connotes confidence which aligns with how the character is in my music video.  Furthermore, red lips has also been associated with female empowerment  which started from the suffragette movement and is still prominent in today’s modern beauty standards. This draft felt plain and looked like something was missing, which is why I decided to change it. 

This is the second draft of the fourth side. I decided to make the lips black and white and add a larger mouth in the center, which breaks the uniform pattern in the background. The tongue out pose symbolizes rebellion which matches the theme of my music video. The monochromatic color scheme moves away from the traditional glamorous aesthetic associated with women. I thought of adding the artists name “P!nk” on the lips as a lip tattoo which subtly symbolizes rebellion and going against the beauty norm that dictates women should not have tattoos, turning a symbol of rebellion to self-empowerement. 

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